
Monday, June 27, 2011

Cereal Monster

I don't think that there is anybody that loves cereal more than our family. Ben even puts chocolate chips in it at night and eats it for dessert.

Well it must have rubbed off on John because he is always happy to eat it. Every morning we pour him a bowl and he goes to town using his spoon, then his hands, and finally slurping down all of the milk. I have to be careful about leaving the cereal box out though or this is what happens.....
Mr. Mischief here thinks that he can just take the bag out of the cereal box and fest on the contents. As you can see his place of choice for this delicacy is mommy and daddy's bed. I have to be pretty swift because once he knows that I know what he's doing he runs out of the kitchen through the house laughing and screaming. He makes it pretty hard to be cross sometimes and I have to try not to laugh as that would defeat the whole purpose helping him understand that he's doing something naughty. Sometimes I just can't help myself though.

Do you see this face to the left? This is what I mean. This cute little expression just makes it that much more difficult. It's a good thing you're so handsome little john. Lol.

1 comment:

  1. Lydia love cereal too! The other day she cried because I made her french toast instead of cereal. I mean, what kind of mother am I? French toast...instead of cereal? Jeez!
    HAha, your John is a handsome little one :)
